Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Warning: Do Not Get Any Shot!

Vaccinations = Legal Genocide ! Question the INGREDIENTS !!!

Please all it takes is a short time to "Research" the liquid they are shooting into our children by the Big Pharmaceutical Companies. What is worse is our Government going along with the poison.

I do want to inform the public not to forget about what took place during the 1976 Swine Flu scam. A 60 minute investigation by Mike Wallace. This tells you how trust worthy the pharmaceutical cartels & the government are.

Many died from the injection of that liquid! Many were damaged from that liquid. What people also need to know is the seasonal flu shot given to society contains H1N1 in its ingredients! No, I am not talking about the one they are hungry to give you in a month or two.

I am talking about SEASONAL FLU SHOT a lot of people get every year! Get the Insert! Read it! If they tell you that all they have is ONE insert that came with a batch, request a COPY of it.

I decided to do an experiment. I went and requested an insert of Vitamin K1, (they make it sound yummy) that most hospitals give to newborns within the twelve hours they are born.

I can’t say all hospital nurseries do this, but in Poplar Bluff, Missouri they do! They give the baby this without permission from the parents! Without the parents knowledge! This is illegal. But they have done it and probably still doing it.

The Vitamin K1 they claim is for clotting, they say this as a scare tactic when you question this. When you ask for the insert, they tell you that only one insert came with a batch.

So then I requested a copy of that insert. Vitamin K1 can cause the baby to go into heart arrest!

When a parent goes to the nursery and finds them working on her baby, all they say is the baby is having problems breathing. But never states what caused it, of course.

Also at the same time, they give the baby a Hep. B shot! Now if I remember right, when the pharma dogs made that vaccine, it was for drug users and prostitutes. Since they couldn’t push their liquid then, they targeted ones who couldn’t speak for themselves.

Before you have your newborn, call the hospital that you plan on going to and ask for nursery dept. Ask them if they give newborns Vitamin K1 & Hep. B within the twelve hours of birth!

You can fill out a form stating that they are not to give your child anything without your permission. And that the baby is to be transferred into your room immediately after birth and kept there at all times.

Make sure you have a family member who will be there to help you with the baby. If you are given any drug / drugs for delivery, you will want a family member there to assist the baby.

The Doctors & health centers are being paid not just by the parents but also by the pharmaceutical company pushers.

Yes some of you may say, well my children got theirs and they are just fine. I ask you, what disease will your children have in the Future because of the liquid ? Cancer, Aids, Lupus etc., brain damage, even death.

My children received their shots, and if I knew then what I know now, I would have said HELL NO! Genocide America is the liquid death system made by the pharmaceutical cartels approve byour Government.

Placing trust in the health care system with our children, is giving our children to murderers of a genocide America.

A repetitious cycle is carried from parents to children that the normal procedure is to take our children to a doctor when sick, or to have them vaccinated without having any doubt that the children are in safe hands of doctors or health centers.

Some parents never question the ingredients in vaccinations that are being shot into our children, nor the effectiveness, nor side effects, and the same for medications.

Liquid death and medication ( IS ) the creation of diseases for mankind.Thousands and thousands of people are being murdered every day in a lawful genocide manner by vaccinations and medications by drug dealers which ARE health care givers who are working for the pharmaceutical companies.

Death, sudden infant death syndrome, seizures, autism, and much more.Parents would not even allow letting the drug dealers inject liquid death into their children if parents knew what will eventually be a disastrous outcome.

Society has fallen into genocide hands that have no real concern for them. The pharmaceutical companies are making money by gaining the word mandatory from our government who is knowingly participating in endangering the welfare of society and societies children and murdering without the general public knowledge.

We trust our doctors or health care givers and never question their skilled expertise. Therefore we teach our children the same.

A repetitious cycle from parents to children, then to their children, into hands of the pharmaceutical government by the genocide elite of America.

Mandating murder BY OUR government = approved genocide is considered lawful in the United States as long as its done by our trusted doctors and health care professionals in their skilled expertise.

Shirleys-wellness-caf and National Vaccine Information Center ( list the known killing ingredients that have taken children lives, or that have damaged children's brains and other organs.

Here is just few of the poisons in vaccines listed at the above websites: Formaldehyde,animal RNA and DNA, aborted fetus, mercury is a neurotoxin, pertussis, sucrose and phenoxyethanol is antifreeze, thimerosal is a registered pesticide with the Department of Pesticide Registration of the Environmental Protection Agency.

She also explains safe levels are (.1) microgram per 1.0 kilogram of body weight per day. the vaccinations with thimersol is nearly fifty percent mercury. A child is injected between fifty and sixty- two micrograms of mercury.

The manufacturer of thimerosal is Eli Lilly and Company, Lilly Corporate Center. Upon contacting Eli Lilly Company to inquire about the thimerosal product, it was stated their company no longer makes this ingredient or any ingredients for any vaccines what so ever now.

Hmmm, I wonder how many vaccines are in storage from their company are waiting to be shot into a child? Or exactly how many children have already been vaccinated with their product?



University of Calgary- Faculty of Medicine shows visual evidence low doses of mercury degenerates the brain neurons. This alone should speak loud and clear to parents who are being deceived.

Parents should file police reports against any health care organization injecting any vaccines into their child/children. By filing endangering the welfare of a child, and attempt to murder charges aganist the Pharmaceutical companies, Doctors, and the so called health centers, it tells them we are no longer putting up with their GENOCIDE !

As stated vaccines are creating diseases that make people return to get treated for another problem. It is like a chain reaction over and over which keeps the health care organizations and pharmaceutical companies in business $$$$$$$$$.

VACCINES: Are They Really-Safe and Effective? Neil Z. Miller explains The people who received the vaccinations for measles are the ones who got the measles. He also points out the 1950 and 60 millions of people were injected with polio vaccines that were contaminated with the SV-40 virus undetected in the Simian monkey organs used to prepare the vaccines).

SV-40 is considered a powerful .....immunosuppressor and trigger for HIV- the name given to the AIDS virus (49).

The mystery began with Dr. Michael Carbone. found the SV-40 virus in sixty percent of human lung tumors he was studying, SV40 stands for Simian Virus the 40th virus found).
Sixty different labs confirmed the major increase in leukemia in this country.(animals RNA & DNA )

When a parent request a physician signature that their child will not die from a vaccination that is being attempted to be given to their child the doctor refuses.

But yet, parents must sign that they are approving for the treatment to be given to their child.The reason for this is to protect the doctor, not the child.
As a parent, this should bring up a red flag.

Like the vaccines, medications made by the pharmaceutical companies approved by our government is murdering thousands of people. Dr. Joseph Mercola video at shows and states Vioxx caused one hundred thousand heart attacks and sixty thousand deaths.

Allowing this to happen to this many people by our government should tell us that our health is not in anyone best interest but our own. Since money is the main concern for the pharmaceutical cartels, society best interest would be to fend for one self turning to herbs.

Relying on mankind seems to put the human race in he ground at a much younger age. Vaccines and medication also seems to be the future of man kinds deaths.

As society repetitiously pays for prescribed medication and office visits they fail to realize that the medicine can cause another problem at a later date sending that patient right back to be prescribed something different for the problem the prior medication created.

Mike Adams at reports a drug called spironolactone was was used on people with serious heart failure. drug had caused an estimated forty-two hundred deaths in the United States and thirty-seven thousand more hospitalizations each year.

He also points out, the researchers of modern medicine stated that they have no doubt that in the right patients, and with careful monitoring that this is still a good drug combination.

Adams argued had this been an herb and it had killed seventy-three people and thirty-seven thousand were hospitalized, the FDA would have been screaming national warnings about it and shutting down the company responsible for manufacturing the herb.

He further implies its modern medicine by the pharmaceuticals they are allowed to kill a certain number of people and injure tens of thousands without raising any sort of alarm at the FDA or the pharmaceutical manufacturer.

Oh watch out they keep coming up with more and more drugs to shoot into you.. check out this ..

It is the primary federal agency for conducting and supporting basic, clinical and translational medical research, and it investigates the causes, treatments and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit ( hmmmm%u2026 maybe their descriptive INGREDIENTS may help people) After soliciting and considering broad input from the scientific and HIV advocacy communities, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has determined that it will not conduct the HIV vaccine study known as PAVE 100. However, NIAID believes the vaccine developed by its Vaccine Research Center (VRC) is scientifically intriguing and sufficiently different from previously tested HIV vaccines to consider testing it in a smaller, more focused clinical study. Therefore, NIAID will entertain a proposal for an alternative study with one specific goal: to determine if the vaccine regimen significantly lowers viral load-the amount of HIV in the blood of vaccinated individuals who may later become infected with HIV.

Now I wonder, is the above study going to be done on the one's they have already secretly injected the SV-40 into, or are they going to infect more, so they can check it out on ones recently injected? Hmmm...Contaminate a group with a disease-producing agent.

Wow, I wonder how often that is done?

LIQUID DEATH :My son was loaned to me from God.Oh so perfect not a spot. But mankind lied and broke his skin. Painfully poking him with liquid and pin. It says in the Bible every thing God made is good. But when man kind touched it, it no longer stood. Measles, mumps, chicken pox, Man kind made all them spots. Have you forgotten who made you? You were born with out a spot, did they get you with all them shots? How many more will die today? Before we push them liars away? by: Deborah Ann Thompson, Dugger

This poem is of truth and is dedicated to the children who have died from being entrusted to our health care givers who refuse to inform the public of what the liquid is they are shooting into our babies.Aborted fetus, animal DNA and RNA and other poisonsare just few mentioned.,Barbara L. Ingredients. &n bsp;, Lipschutz, Shirley.Vaccines Warning: Are they really safe and effective? Personal Stories of Vaccine Damage and Death. (p 14) Ingredients 1996-2007. Lorscheider,Fritz. Syed, Naweed.Video, How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration. 28 November 2007, Windy. Polio Vaccines. 28 November 2007Investigate it for your self.


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